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Showing posts from October, 2017

Secret: Vic Tanny & Jack La Lanne trained in early Hollywood ...

Secret:  Vic Tanny & Jack La Lanne trained in early Hollywood ...Stars trained @ the studio or sometimes at home  Pre Jane Fonda it was Organic food and Pilates........  Before that was the magazine Physical Culture 1910-1948  Link here  Golds  and  Muscle Beach came Later  after Vic Tanny's old place AKA the  Dungeon  Exact reprint here  from the Daily Mail UK from an early Life magazine Feature  retrieved from the web  October 14, 2017 Marilyn Monroe became world - famous for her curvy figure, but it may be surprising to know that keeping that alluring hourglass involved a lot of work.  Just before she hit it big in 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes', Philippe Halsman photographed her for LIFE magazine, taking a few candid shots of her da...