Election 2016 : Which presidential candidate will be good for diabetics and others with chronic illnesses? Every eight years or so the party that is in charge of the government changes completely. Its usually either Democrat or Republican. Within those parties are senators and representatives that may lean toward more tightfisted management of health care (Tea Party, Libertarians) or favor reform and more accountability ( Green Party, Socialists ) In any case it all gets discussed and haggled over until it is time to elect a New President. Presidents have been trending toward more use of their Executive Powers . "As it is written so it shall be done..."Changes to the Affordable Care Act have been deflected by Obama.Now in 2016 there is a Supreme Court that is theoretically Even- Steven,The result is any change in health care can be upheld and signed by fiat, until both the House and the Senate hold elections in 2018. The state ...