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Getting Beach Ready Abs in the heart of winter

This is a 3 part article written from my experiences as a trainer and someone who wants that look ... Women should be able to especially identify and apply what I am proposing here.
Part 1 -Abs  Science,   Part 2-  6 points for a 6 pack 
 Part 3: Actual exercises that work:  Series A & B

so ...there is a blog article
incorporated into
Part 2-
which focuses on producing a 6 pack foundation

Otherwise known as a Core.

Some of you may have to start there and not go onto Part 3

 but if you hate to read....... and want something quick
here is my 45 seconds  to  flat abs video

and if you scroll to part 3   VIDEO      Series B is a  6 pack  routine @  2 minute 45 sec 
Part 1 -Abs  Science
Hi! Does this sound like you? You have a flat stomach, you are fit, you are in the fitness industry, but you are not model perfect?
I have always had a relatively flat stomach but I bloat due to food allergies . I found that a set or two of a relatively difficult ab  move would get the air out (as if the stomach and GI tracts were balloons - which they are!  (Sorry Professor Axen  for the physiology joke) 
The frustrating part is my flat abs were not enough....So I decided to apply all my knowledge/ training  to a comprehensive approach to  6 pack abs for the truly motivated.No celebrity abs (they often do plastic surgery) Instead earning every square inch of muscle that in my case would keep my metabolism efficient into my 90s or longer was the goal.
(Muscle pressureon the GI TRACT  along with a tubal system that has an absorption gradient is what  keeps you from being constipated....) 
So I studied " abs "  - whats underneath the ab area  both Inside and Out...
The stomach is the upper part of your  8 pack 6 pack /4 pack and the intestines - especially the small intestines  - are the so called lower abs or the bottom of your 4 pack/6 pack/8 pack (More on the pack part later)

 Picture from

I found that by Balancing on the tail end (rectum) 
the so called crack between your hips
 I could apply force to most of the area you see in the picture above  due to Understanding Physics and Anatomy. The anatomy that most of you call the stomach is really known as the GastroIntestinal system  or the GI. It is responsible for getting the most out of your food, including extracting liquids from solid foods.

The GI tract that lies directly in the area of a six pack has a wall above it - called the diaphragm . The GI tract also has  bones below it (pelvic cavity) This is important because force needs to be applied to get a certain look, and it is not going to happen by deep breathing (diaphragm)   or dancing (legs and hips attached to your pelvis) 
Important facts about 
your future in getting a  6 pack

  •  unlike the textbook/internet depictions the stomach is not in a straight line with the rib  cage/diaphragm  
  •   the GI system  has attachments by ligaments  to & from each  of the GI organs to the outside of  your body  
  • This is where the first lines of a 4/6/8 pack  show -at the tightest attachments (rib cage)  
  •  the stomach (upper abs ) is Diagonal to where the lines of my/your pack would stop (rectum)
  •  Right before the colon becomes a rectum, the Intestines do final water /nutrient absorption . 
  • in the rectum  2 rings of muscles called sphincters  are supposed to assist you in moving waste. 
  • If you have a 6 pack you tend to be less subject to constipation ...because  the muscles surrounding your middle add pressure to the G.I. tract, as you move about.
  • the hardest ab exercises involve balancing  on your tail bone /rectum curve (especially if you are not naturally padded)

Take a look at this side view to 
understand there is a slight diagonal to the lower 1/2 of the digestive system and it is all TUBES!  Buy Image here - Cost $only 2.50 

the Tubes are all held to your insides by ligaments-
Ligaments are pieces of tough skin internally connective tissue that you see on the outside of you as the lines of your 4-6 pack
The genetics of how many ligaments you have dictates your lines between packs. You see the arrangement of the lines after you master two things:     Hydration and Forceful Movements

Where to start?
while its still cold 
 keep this up year around 

Part 2-      6 points for a 6 pack:  
  1. Apply enough ongoing force to your body Because stability movements that work  involve your whole body  in kinetic chain movements (see examples)
  2.  example lifestyle- shoveling snow every other day
  3. example job shoveling dirt every other day 
  4. example- gym Squatting  2 x a week
  5. example pool- threading water 2 x a week as long as you can up to one hour 
  6.  Finally, try a  cleaner eating lifestyle  to  remove the bloating or layer of fat or both which  obscures your look.

The 6 points above give you a foundation to get abs that are packs, because they are core principles/exercises. In 6 pack anatomy, your core is anything that keeps you up .
( An understanding the physics of keeping you stable or unstable is called kinesiology) Therefore the inside of your thighs can be core muscles if you are placing more of your weight on one foot while digging a ditch. The ditch digging uses muscles from your foot to your shoulder  and arms, so literally from the ground up  is the kinetic chain or line of force .
An obvious example of the importance of the Understanding of the physics,  anatomy and kinesiology of a 6 pack  is climbing. 

Guess what is in the middle of that chain from the ground up ???

your abs

Every time you throw the dirt from your shovel 
your abs have to absorb the force 

every time you have to resist gravity from pulling you down by using your own body weight
your abs have to absorb the force

In the video below 
check out gravitational forces on your abs  / Powerful moves are needed to get a 6 pack

If you are not sucking down soda pop and cookies while you are ditch digging 
you have changed the calorie intake  in favor of a 6 pack

Lets answer some ??????????????????????????

  1. Does'  dancing allow you to absorb force? Well have seen great abs on break dancers but not belly dancers or aerobics instructors.
  2. The breakdancers tend to have explosive moves. In other words break dancers use the Kinesiology of Power. Kinesiology is the study of movement and I noticed Powerful moves make the abs work hard enough to create muscles- thus the packs....
  3. I also was fortunate to observe a contingent of  Dance Theatre of Harlem dancers workout in the Gym one winter. They all had great leaping ability and they all had six packs.  As a non dancer, the only way to emulate the leaping was through a trampoline. I did not have access to a trampoline but I did go to the pool .At the time, I could not  swim but if I got in shallow water that came up to my chin  then squatted down on the bottom of the pool, and forced myself to leap out of the water While Exhaling. .....I got little packs on my abs!  

One year I enhanced  the 4 pack by working outside doing restoration work for a National Park ...

If you are college age and need a summer job that gets you really a lot fitter , while mentoring high school students and getting great references .... see    
Here is a video of the Student Conservation Association contributing to ab training(wood chopping)


 If you cannot do that kind of  outdoor work with high schoolers for 6 weeks 
 try this core prep designed for people who work with their hands(Labor) 
(it is a long read  designed to give you a foundation to build a platform to start training for a 6 pack  
Got the foundation from having an active life ???
 you could scroll down to part 3 -
 the actual ab exercises to try)

This article also posted on Conservation- 

Time to get your Core Muscles ready  
by  Margaret Belton,  Certified Personal Trainer since 1982 
         If you want to avoid major back problems, pulled hamstrings and sore neck/shoulders you might want to start paying attention to your core.

Its is actually very easy  (You can always ramp it up if you need to climb Everest) For now lets get ready for 6 weeks in the wild and dirty.What is your core anyway ?
 Your core is anything that holds your arms and legs (appendages) to your trunk/body . I bet you thought  your back and abs were your core!   Back and abs are core 90 percent of the time, but other muscles BeCome Core when you have to work on an uneven surface like  a boat in the Ocean, or a sandy Beach. Other muscles BeCome Core when you climb a tree trunk or 45 degree slope.   The stretches you do in a circle up will only tickle the core muscles , and they like being massaged (hint, Hint!!!)  But it is what you do now, when you are not in the field, that will make you a veritable Antman or Ant woman .
You should see your doctor first to get permission to do SCA level activity. Then at least 3 times a week for 15 minutes in this BeCome Core program will get you ready for most work.
Just a little bit of anatomy so you can train yourself
                            ( these are your lower legs and feet - you have no head  or arms in this drawing! )
   The V = the neck muscles
Neck muscles are   holding your head onto your back muscles!
Your spine is not really doing the work of
holding your head onto your body !!!  
 Your head 
floats around the tip of your spine and your
Balance is Based on Your Brain knowing
where it is Floating 

Now you can do some BeCome Core Exercises  
        (1)  anytime exercise = Balance 
  • Stand on one foot
  •  Do not look at  the foot that is off the ground
  • Bring the non grounding foot in a North East South West pattern above the floor with your toes pointed Up
  • Make Figure 8s  
  • Hover one foot over the other
  • Hover one foot Directly Behind the other without bending -
  • Try to do  this  sequence  while brushing your teeth or getting dressed 
            5 to 8 times then go to the other foot.
         (2) Plank Challenge 
  •  see  youtube for a basic plank
  • Make sure  to use padding under elbows and or forearms- I like grass
  • Planks are patience based  
  • day one 10 seconds
  • day two 12 seconds
  • day three  15 seconds  
  • day four 17 seconds
  • day five 19 seconds
  • day six 21 seconds
  • day seven 23 seconds
  •  etc  goal #1 is 2 minutes to be ready for sca level work 
  • I am up to a solid 8 minutes now:  the abs are flatter and stronger
        Lets get as strong as an Egyptian moving a pyramid block with 7000 others
    1 ,2,3 everybody exhale and the block moves one foot! (yes the plank goes back that far as an exercise..)
      Is breathing important for core ? Yes when lifting - exercise #3                      
the blogger removing debris(car axle) post Hurricane see
   (3)  Deadlift with your broom 
  the Deadlift sounds scary but it has many variations  and since you are doing this with a broom
 you can get ready for moving debris that can swing and twist in the wind but wont hurt your back and core    muscles  
 In the Deadlift you are using the  neck  to hamstrings in a coordinated manner
 the best video of this is on you tube at
 Make sure your doctor knows what you are doing in the field  show  the doctor the video
                   Notice that the deadlifter in the video focuses on a point and the head does not   move
   This seems counter intuitive but by keeping the neck and head steady and                                         Lowering the butt , I have moved tree trunks out of holes by using my peripheral vision focusing ahead  and applying force to rock the stump forward out of the hole. This focus and deadlift stance also works with  solo rock bar effort.
 (The  rock bar  is positioned  up and down, not across as the pole  in the video: in a group effort your      eyes will have to communicate- Will post a rockbar video soon)
    deadlift Start out with the broom stick   barefoot in your house or on the lawn
     repeat  the following up to 3 x the first week 
         week 1   day  1 3 5  =  Monday Wed Fri 
         week 2  day 2  4  6  =  Tues Thurs Sat
         week 3   day 3 5 7  =    Wed  Friday Sunday
         week 4  day   4 6 1  =   Thurs Sat Monday 
          week 5 day  5  7  2    = Fri  Sun Tues
          week 6 day  6  1   3 =  Sat  Mon  Wed 
   How  to Deadlift  
  1.    practice the slowmo technique as seen in the video  12 to 15 times ( this is called a set )
  2.    Always  Exhaling when  object is at highest point  ( you can inhale anywhere) 
  3.     when done : standing mackenzie side glide stretch for 30 sec per leg repeat 2-3 x
  4.       hamstring stretch with leg on a bench , using a towel under your  foot   
  5. the stretches are on you tube
      In addition   using the broom stick or traditional deadlifts   
      try one legged balancing deadlifts as seen in the video 12 to 15 times  for a set
        if you are a non gym going person listen to your body Doing both single and traditional deadlifts                             means doing   2 sets of 12- 15   about 24- 30 moves total on your workout day which is TWICE          the stretching   and may involve  soaking in a tub... 
           deadlift schedule **
           week 1   day  1 3 5  =  Monday Wed Fri 
         week 2  day 2  4  6  =  Tues Thurs Sat
         week 3   day 3 5 7  =    Wed  Friday Sunday
         week 4  day   4 6 1  =   Thurs Sat Monday 
          week 5 day  5  7  2    = Fri  Sun Tues
          week 6 day  6  1   3 =  Sat  Mon  Wed 
        The Stretches  (Never Skip Stretching!!!!!)
  1.   standing mackenzie side glide stretch for 30 sec per leg repeat 2-3
  2.  hamstring stretch with leg on a bench , using a towel under your  foot  
  3.  the stretches are on you tube
 This is enough for now. Three exercises that you do, and then stretching . Planks should be daily, Balancing can be daily but every other day is fine. Deadlifts are the most important since its dynamic and analogus to what we do in the field.  If you start on a Monday the result is  you deadlift  3x, next week 3 x etc   because you workout on the premise of Day One rotating for best results in 6 weeks
 Best results**rotate the days through so the start of the week is not Monday for 6 wks Week one starts on Monday, but Week two starts on Tuesday - because the field is unpredictable and you do not want to teach your body how to be in a rut.
Unless you plan on throwing cinder blocks into dumpsters (explosive Core) you will not need more weight- the most you really need is a very long 2 by four , and focus.  If anyone is interested in explosive core  there are medicine ball workouts on you tube. But medicine balls are not cheap., and neither are doctors visits. 

Important Disclaimer:
No express or implied warranty (whether of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise) or other guaranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information or content contained in any of the pages in this web site or otherwise provided by personal training , the writer of this article , or this website. No responsibility is accepted and all responsibility is hereby disclaimed for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use or misuse of any information or content or any reliance thereon. It is the responsibility of all users of this website to satisfy themselves as to the medical and physical condition of themselves and their clients in determining whether or not to use or adapt the information or content provided in each circumstance. Notwithstanding the medical or physical condition of each user, no responsibility or liability is accepted and all responsibility and liability is hereby disclaimed for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use or misuse of any of the information or content in this website, and any and all liability for incidental and consequential damages is hereby expressly excluded.

Part 3: Actual exercises that work:  Series A & B

there are no shortcuts
Exercises that work are effective  because there is a logical progression that is closely followed. That progression includes calorie intake and rest, not just exercise.


The models know:  If you are getting paid to do a photo shoot and it requires beautifully fitting clothes  (so your pack is Not on Display) , simply empty your bowels and drink black coffee and do the shoot on an empty stomach...(worked for me....)

Models in photo shoots  sip just enough water not to bloat. They know their bodies...because it  Is busine$$                                                                                     
thanks Marco wherever you are                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
    for more precise info on abs and hydration : the link below- Thank You RFS!

which is why you might bloat if your water balance is off. 

It took a whole summer of taking notes to figure that I need to replace an 8 ounce coffee with 16 ounces of water ...every time.....

It took a whole summer in  wood chopping mode  to realize that my ideal water intake is ounce of water per pound  

 I averaged 128 ounces - about a gallon  doing physical work outside in 80 degree heat.  I never gulped over 24 ounces at a time but in 24 hours , 128 ounces of water went into my system...
HEAT MAKES YOU EAT BETTER ...I gave up coffee and ate more fruit...and took notes on which fruits caused my bloating. Since I had childhood allergies I had a pretty good idea. Bananas did not work for me, but apples were ok. Milk and protein shakes made me puffy, but lightly scrambled eggs and salmon kept me tight. 
There is no calorie counting. If you need a system you can try one of the top 5 most popular diets 
However it is best that you hydrate so you will find 
that your intake  of food goes down anyway!
You must start a food  journal and write down what works, so you can pull this off

EXERCISES    SERIES A    (8 weeks)

The plank : goal over 10 minutes
baseline is 1 minute 
(if you find that 1 minute is killing you find some ways to focus...)there are no reps here...
see link below if you  want to conquer the plank...

Reverse Crunch 

2 sets of 12 moves aka reps the first 2 weeks 

then 2 weeks later 3 sets of 12 reps
then 2 weeks later , 4 sets of 12
then 2 weeks later 5 sets of 12
thanks to the wordpress blog sore legs & scrambled eggs for execution tips on  reverse crunches

Wood Chop

2 sets of 12 moves aka reps the first 2 weeks
then 2 weeks later 3 sets of 12 reps
then 2 weeks later , 4 sets of 12
then 2 weeks later 5 sets of 12

an advanced Pilates  exercise!

and finally 
Trunk Rotation Variations

execution: Deliberate !!
2 sets of 12 moves aka reps the first 2 weeks
then 2 weeks later 3 sets of 12 reps
then 2 weeks later , 4 sets of 12
then 2 weeks later 5 sets of 12 Trunk Rotations
variation is to go diagonal and tap ball to floor 
another variation is to balance on your butt and feet do not touch floor

EXERCISES    SERIES B    (8 weeks)
Leg Lifts

execution: Deliberate !!
2 sets of 12 moves aka reps the first 2 weeks
then 2 weeks later 3 sets of 12 reps
then 2 weeks later , 4 sets of 12
then 2 weeks later 5 sets of 12 

Strongly suggest a 1/2 foam roller or  pillow support for the small curve in your lower back so you can direct the force to your abs and not the hip flexors or spinal connections
There are amazing results if your back is already strong because you have a core that is also strong...
If you support your back your abs work harder  Weak? You can always do single leg lifts
You MUST have lumbar/low back support for double leg lifts! 

execution here :  thanks  website the science of eating
Oblique V Situp with Crunch

2 sets of 12 moves aka reps the first 2 weeks
then 2 weeks later 3 sets of 12 reps
then 2 weeks later , 4 sets of 12
then 2 weeks later 5 sets of 12 

 Side Planks  on a block
this works because the feet are off the ground
2 sets of 12 moves aka reps the first 2 weeks
then 2 weeks later 3 sets of 12 reps
then 2 weeks later , 4 sets of 12
then 2 weeks later 5 sets of 12 

amazing fitness images for your website here       FREE 

T cross sit-ups 
2 sets of 12 moves aka reps the first 2 weeks  for more information on T cross click below
                                                                            POPSUGAR Photography / Kyle Hartman

then 2 weeks later 3 sets of 12 reps
then 2 weeks later , 4 sets of 12
then 2 weeks later 5 sets of 12 

believe it or not you can get serious 6 pack abs by going military Drop and do 50 is a fat burning/ core mainstay if you can do pushups  fast with flair  its almost instant 6 pack 
(example a clapping power move) 

I can personally attest that this show off move (clap pushups) works 
thanks to my working out with the author/trainer Shaun Zetlin ...Abs from push-ups !!!!!
So instead of using the usual  8 weeks lets try 4 weeks with Shaun's books

Have you noticed I have not said a word about cardio...
I prefer  bike power.. over cardio and aerobics ....Because Outdoors burns more calories!!!!

What about timing and rest? 

 As for rest- listen to your body. If a muscle area is  sore you cannot really build upon it. Take the day off, hit it again when its not sore to the touch. This spacing is especially true for women- estrogen does  not build muscle. Estrogen  promotes healing..., when estrogen levels off, Androgen builds a little more on your  pack, while you sleep...

Last word

  I only was able to employ  this Badass clapping push up  move Because I had finally achieved more than a core based on crazy upper body strength How? The upper body strength was achieved slowly ,due to a collar bone to wrist kinetic chain totally stimulated by extensive physical therapy-
(like all cyclists who ride expensive bikes,  you will get hit at some point..I spent two years off the bike getting more Diesel, full disclosure my Allez was totally destroyed...)
Clap push ups are a power move-  and if done improperly - ouch!!
Yes, The abs showed up real quick...but this is hard on the body

3 point  Summary 
  • None of these are beginner exercises
  •  Having a 6 pack or even a 4 pack (genetics) is a mark of someone who spends a lot of time maintaining a fitness level as a Lifestyle
  • There are enough links here to come up with your own ab exercise protocols . 

    To keep it all logical & effective  , double check this link   
         exercise list  @ 50  abs movements

Important Disclaimer:
No express or implied warranty (whether of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise) or other guaranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information or content contained in any of the pages in this web site or otherwise provided by personal training , the writer of this article , or this website. No responsibility is accepted and all responsibility is hereby disclaimed for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use or misuse of any information or content or any reliance thereon. It is the responsibility of all users of this website to satisfy themselves as to the medical and physical condition of themselves and their clients in determining whether or not to use or adapt the information or content provided in each circumstance. Notwithstanding the medical or physical condition of each user, no responsibility or liability is accepted and all responsibility and liability is hereby disclaimed for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use or misuse of any of the information or content in this website, and any and all liability for incidental and consequential damages is hereby expressly excluded.


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