By Margo Belton
Originally for the Kingsman Brooklyn College
September 10 2009
Q : How to avoid weight gain while studying (the internet makes you eat )? Yes!
A: Exercise!? Well…. maybe it is more than just exercise…
As you know you can lose weight by eating less, but if you eat too little you will store fat. That is why knowing your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) and BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) helps in losing weight or maintaining your present weight. In any case, your size and poundage is maintained by a mechanism called metabolism- which is a 24-hour process. If you want to make changes in your metabolism, the trick is to fool it only for a couple of days. Diets do not work and exercise may make you so hungry that you compensate and gain even more weight. Metabolic manipulation ranges from stomach stapling to strange food regimens to simply not eating. Note that the average person embarks on a fitness plan or diet and thinks that they will maintain the plan or diet until the desired result is achieved. The underlying assumption is this: the plan will or diet will be in effect for 6 weeks, 2-3 months, and voila- the beach body or something a lot closer to the ideal in your head
. Unfortunately, this approach would work if your metabolism – the factory that processes energy and either stores it on your belly or uses it doing homework actually works on a day to day @24-28 hour shift. Therefore to get the desired result of weight loss, and a trimmer healthier body, you should lock in on the idea of giving your body what it needs for the activities you do. Since that varies a bit from day to day- you can eat an average amount, or workout an average amount and maybe get a handle on this system that actually runs on its own, and runs at 33 % efficiency while you are asleep.
Can you actually give your self an average amount of calories to live on? Can you go to the gym or play and work at an average amount of time and intensity to make this work? Of course you can… but it is boring. Weekends throw most people off: this is when you add the extra calories in the form of dates, parties, visiting your grandma. Most of us get more sedentary and sit in the library all day at least one weekend day. However, by utilizing one average for Monday through Friday and another adjusted average for the weekend, most people will get control over their weight over time. This changes when you are not in the school for the summer, and the solution is to use your weekend numbers for the hiatus. Let’s do Metabolism Math.
Metabolism Math: if calculated your present weight in pounds times 11 for women (12 for men) your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) would be the number of calories would be what your body needed to stay asleep for 24 -28 hours. To reach a weight loss goal some people attempt to eat at this number, but you will be so hungry that you may start eating this newspaper. A more effective approach is to do some e more Metabolism Math: Now calculate your calories for studying by using the NYC factor (we are more active than the rest of the country since we walk) Take your BMR number and multiply it by .375 if you can look at a cookie and not
have it jump onto your hips or gut.
Or if you can dream of ice cream and wake up two pounds heavier the next morning, take your BMR number and multiply it by .275. This final set of numbers is your average calories needed Monday thru Friday. To reach your goals, exercise that is intense for about 2 to 3 times a week for one hour will create a deficient that acts as a fudge factor. The fudge factor can include sex or skateboarding, but in any case, if those calories are used, you may lose an inch or two. Note that you may not lose weight right away. To reach your goal, there is one more Metabolic Math step: Calculate your goal weight BMR and compare it to your present weight BMR. Looking at those numbers will show you where the unnecessary calories are. To cut out those calories you do not need you may not have to give up that Snickers bar, but you will have to do some planning. For instance, if you start eating fresh versus canned and cut out the sugar inherent in processed food; you can reward yourself with that chocolate bar once a week. Or you can reward yourself with that snickers bar if you do something really physical. Volunteer to help someone move.
Or if you can dream of ice cream and wake up two pounds heavier the next morning, take your BMR number and multiply it by .275. This final set of numbers is your average calories needed Monday thru Friday. To reach your goals, exercise that is intense for about 2 to 3 times a week for one hour will create a deficient that acts as a fudge factor. The fudge factor can include sex or skateboarding, but in any case, if those calories are used, you may lose an inch or two. Note that you may not lose weight right away. To reach your goal, there is one more Metabolic Math step: Calculate your goal weight BMR and compare it to your present weight BMR. Looking at those numbers will show you where the unnecessary calories are. To cut out those calories you do not need you may not have to give up that Snickers bar, but you will have to do some planning. For instance, if you start eating fresh versus canned and cut out the sugar inherent in processed food; you can reward yourself with that chocolate bar once a week. Or you can reward yourself with that snickers bar if you do something really physical. Volunteer to help someone move.
Physical activity makes may you really sore- but the metabolism loves to do recovery. In actuality, this is how your body really stays at a certain size or loses weight. Your metabolism blows out 400- 800 calories while you sleep off the soreness from lifting your friend’s furniture into a truck. For every day you are sore you will get an elevated caloric burn that if you do not put extra food in, it will result in you being a little leaner. You will not notice this on your body since 400 to 800 calories is only 11 to 22 percent of a pound. However, lose that percentage over 4 days of whoa I really feel tired after moving and the number is almost a pound. If you are eating at your BMR on one day, and not consuming over your BMR times the NYC factor on the subsequent days you are bushed, you may actually lose more than a pound. I recently tested this by moving over a four day period and then taking a break and then doing another four-day schlep.
The energy expended averaged 7 hours a day and the sleep averaged 8.5 hours a day, with the calories on or close to the BMR to BMR x .375. Result?
The belt got smaller. The weight went – down.
In addition, maybe added more muscle (as a female, I cannot tell, but people tell me it looks good…)
In addition, maybe added more muscle (as a female, I cannot tell, but people tell me it looks good…)
From moving heavy stuff, here is the math, from
BMR x old weight of 128 lbs = 1408 calories
1408 x NYC factor .275 = 387.2 additional calories
NYC factor added to BMR = 1408 + 387.2 = 1795.2 calories needed for 24 hour day
Energy in 8 days of moving 7 hours a day = 525.24 calories / hour* x 7 hours = 3676.68 calories in 24 hours
Subtracting my daily needs to maintain 128 lbs from the demands (soreness, fatigue, and effort) placed on body by moving
1795.2-3637.38 = 1881.48
1881.48 deficit x 8 days of this with 8.5 hours sleep = 15051.84
15051.84 - 3200 calories due to sleep = 11851.84
303 words this page
A human pound is worth 3500 calories and all that effort from moving subtracted 3.384 pounds on paper. The new weight should be 128 lbs – 3.384 lbs. In reality, I lost double that amount and now weigh 121 lbs
HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? I let my semi sluggish metabolism do something else it does well when you let it get just what it needs- activity, not too many extra calories and quality sleep… The Metabolism rewarded me with Muscle Math. Any serious gym person who lifts can tell you that the soreness or fatigue (or both) that is dissipated over a period of 24-96 hours (1- 4 days) is worth going after. This is where the semi erroneous No pain- no Gain mantra derives its potency, yet with quality sleep and quality food, your body will build muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even on a female. A little muscle will not kill you- as Michelle Obama will attest. I do not even see the muscle, but I do feel it. Thanks to that little bit of muscle, the weight loss was double.
Muscle Math is an unexpected by-product of the Metabolic Math. To benefit from both, it is suggested you do these four things:
• Calculate your present BMR and your goal weight BMR as described earlier.
• Go to and pick a physical activity to perform 4 days on/ One day off/ and another 4 days on- Make it a good deed.
• Get lots of sleep
• Eat as sensibly as you can within your calculations
Have fun getting in shape using this as you study this semester- because sitting on your butt will not help your brain in the long run ….Alzheimer’s tends to be less prevalent in people who were more active when they were younger. (1)
*400 calories a night due to real sleep not figured in the NYC factor since this is the city that never sleeps
(1) Overview and Findings from the Rush Memory and Aging Project
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