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Showing posts from July, 2016

5 Ways To Stay Cool During Your Workout

Fat Burners PART 2: The Truth... So There!

Fat Burners: PART 2 Of 2 The Truth... So There!  As a trainer I have seen fitness trends come and go. The same applies to supplements that assist in  fat loss... It used to be chromium, then it was Ephedra, and then some things got banned... In any case, people are  still  looking for something to help with weight loss, and after twenty years of being in the gym, and spending a lot of time in a classroom, I as a trainer have come to one conclusion. There is no such chemical as a fat burner.                          The only chemicals that" burn fat" actually do three things not related to fat burning                 The Three Things they do are not every effective  Oh, there is a fourth caveat You have to gain an understanding of basic science  if you want the science of fat removal to work for you.  I am go...

Fat Burners PART 1 : The Truth... So There!

Fat Burners: PART 1 of 2    The Truth... So There! As a trainer I have seen fitness trends come and go. The same applies to supplements that assist in  fat loss... It used to be chromium, then it was Ephedra, and then some things got banned... In any case, people are still looking for something to help with weight loss, and after twenty years of being in the gym, and spending a lot of time in a classroom, I as a trainer have come to one conclusion. There is no such chemical as a fat burner.                          The only chemicals that" burn fat" actually do three things not related to fat burning                 The Three Things they do are not every effective  Oh, there is a fourth caveat You have to gain an understanding of basic science  if you want the science of fat removal to work for you.  I am going to keep this s...
This is the best video I have seen by a fellow  trainer. Girlfriend  can train me! In any case the workout is similar to what  we did at Morale Welfare and Recreation  at Fort Hamilton Army Base in Brooklyn NY,   To support the troops we had the wives and siblings and other relatives living on base to do this workout, i am posting it here

i walked when it was not cool to do so (detroit is the Motor CIty)

 i walked when it was not cool to do so (Detroit is the Motor CIty)  Do you need a martial beat,or  (hip hop) to get the blood    pumping ?? 2. Do you walk in your neighboorhood ? 2 Is it safe?   okay  I get it. I just moved back to the D actually the suburbs of Motown and Yes even out here in Oakland county its not safe because the cars go by you so fassssssst ! Plus the sidewalks are an afterthought. I was truly tempted to DRIVE to the trail - ---- Then I  found the mall . Now its on   This is the Stephan Curry challenge site sponsored by UnderGear On the other hand I went back to my old hood across 8 mile (Grixdale Farms) Can not walk there now  nothing to be engaged positively   Had to get my martial on   fitness disparities between 48301 and 48235  are the same- pollution, traffic, lack of sidewalks hinder basi...

Time to get your Core Muscles ready

       Time to get your Core Muscles ready   says  Margaret Belton  Certified Personal Trainer since 1982           If you want to avoid major back problems, pulled hamstrings and sore neck/shoulders you might want to start paying attention to your core. Leader Team post hurricane cleanup                                   Its is actually very easy  (You can always ramp it up if you need to climb Everest) For now lets get ready for 6 weeks in the wild and dirty.  What is your core anyway ?  Your core is anything that holds your arms and legs (appendages) to your trunk/body . I bet you thought  your back and abs were your core!   Back and abs are core 90 percent of the time, but other muscles BeCome Core when you ha...